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Writing: Voice

Cat Tales


            Today's Snack: Cats are attracted to the aroma of catnip. Eat something today that you can't resist because of its aroma. Maybe some hot popcorn? Freshly-baked oatmeal cookies? Gingerbread? Have a nice glass of milk with your snack, but it shouldn't have any aroma, or you shouldn't drink it!





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Piece of lined writing paper | No. 2 pencil



Voice is how you add personality, interest and life to the words you write. Your "voice" is the same as your writing style - your personality in print.


The "voice" you choose in writing sets a particular tone, mood and style for your reader to understand your purpose more easily.


By your word choices and the tone you set, your writing "voice" shows that you care about the topic, have strong opinions and feelings about it, and that you are willing to share who you are with your reader.


In other words, the way you write reveals your personality to the reader.


Now, what person or animal has more personality than a cat? Cat lovers know what characters they can be.


Cats will make a great practice activity for you in developing your skill with "voice" in writing.


Just imagine how different the "voice" of each of these cats would be, if they were speaking or writing.


Today's activity: make up a quotation as if each of these cats said something. Make it at least one sentence long. Write it underneath each of these photographs, or number from 1 to 5 and write your five quotations on a separate piece of scratch paper.



#1 Quote:







#2 Quote:








#3 Quote:








#4 Quote:





#5 Quote:







If you are doing this activity as a group, have fun sharing your sentences with the other students. Or share them with your family and write some more.


With practice, you can write with personality that is absolutely . . . MEOW-velous.



By Susan Darst Williams • • Writing © 2010

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