Preschool Writing:
Alphabet Play-Doh
Today's Snack: For a special treat, make chocolate chip
cookie dough, and give each child a "blob" of uncooked dough. Give each child a
napkin or piece of waxed paper. If their hands are clean, they can form the cookie
dough into alphabet letters before they eat it. Make sure to wash hands
afterwards, too, and wash down with a glass of cold milk.
Play-Doh or modeling
how important it is for children to learn through play. Since Play-Doh is
everybody's favorite, this is a great way to let children explore the alphabet
letters and have fun doing it.
helps to have the alphabet posted on the wall, or written on the board, while
the children are working with the Play-Doh.
children how to roll Play-Doh between the palms of their hands to make even
cylinders similar to the lines and curves of the alphabet letters.
the children form letters out of Play-Doh for as long as they'd like. They can
try making their names or different words, or just work with various letters.
they have made several letters, it's fun to blindfold them or have them close
their eyes, walk them around the room a little bit, and then bring them back
and have them feel a Play-Doh letter. See if they can guess what it is just by
feeling its shape!