Tricky Word Flashcards
Snack: Here's a trick that you can
do with a taco shell. Instead of putting taco meat inside a soft or hard tortilla
shell, put one strip of bacon, cooked, drained and crumbled up. Add 1 egg,
beaten and scrambled over low heat, plus a sprinkling of shredded cheese.
Yummy! Have some orange juice or apple juice to go with.
Blank index cards | pencil | dictionary | thick rubber band
The best way to become a good
speller is to practice. An easy way to
practice your spelling is to make your own "practice deck" of flashcards of tricky
spelling words.
You can use index cards to make your
spelling flashcards. If you don't have index cards, you can cut up scratch
paper, or use the backs of recycled letters. Ask in the office of your school,
church or parents' business for extra paper you can use for this purpose.
If the following words are too difficult, put your
own spelling words on index cards, and add more each week until you have a huge
deck. You probably have a spelling test each week at school; just add
flashcards to your deck for all those words that give you trouble, or that you
misspell on the test. Next time, you'll get them right!
Put a different tough word on each card. Write it
fairly big. Put a little space between the syllables to help you remember how
to pronounce each one.
Use a dictionary to double-check
each spelling. If you aren't sure what the word means, you can jot down the
definition, or meaning, of the word on each card, too.
Once a week or so, study the cards.
To study a spelling word, pronounce it out loud, study the spelling, and then
shut your eyes, pronounce it again, and spell it out loud. Now give the deck to
a friend or family member to quiz you. He or she shouldn't let you see the
words, but just pronounce them out loud, and you spell them out loud.
They say that once you have looked
at a word, and said it aloud, 25 times, even a very difficult word, you have
mastered the spelling, and it will be yours forever. So drill yourself as often
as you can, and it'll really pay off. Keep your deck neat with a large rubber
Study these words once a week for one
semester of the school year, and you will be a master speller!
ab sence
ac ci den tal ly
ac com plish
ac cor di on
a cross
ad vice
af fect
ef fect
a part ment
ap pear ance
arc tic
ar gu ment
at ten dance
bal loon
bar be cue
be gin ning
be lief
be lieve
bis cuit
cal en dar
cem e ter y
chan ging
cloth ing
com ing
coun sel or
de ceive
des cribe
des pair
de vel op
dic tion ar y
dif fer ence
dis ap point
dis ease
eas I ly
en e my
en vir on ment
ex is tence
ex is tent
fam i liar
Feb ru ar y
for ty
gen er al ly
gen us
gov ern ment
gram mar
hap pi ly
hop ing
im a gin ary
is land
i deal ly
in cred I ble
jeal ous ly
know ledge
la ter
light ning
mag a zine
min utes
mys ter I ous
nine ty
o be di ence
op tim is m
or I gin
pe cu li ar
per form ance
plan ning
pos si ble
quiz zes
real ize
real ly
safe ty
sur prise
there fore
un ique
vac uum
vol ume