Writing: Family
Writing Fun
Words on Wheels
Today's Snack: Cut wedges from a "wheel" of cheese - one
of those hard, round cheeses you can find in the deli counter. Team up your
cheese with some sliced summer sausage or salami, and wheat crackers. Apple
juice tastes great with this snack.
Print out
this list of word play "prompts"
Bring it
in the car and use a No. 2 pencil to add more responses
Whenever you're in the car, don't just sit there like a
lump! Stretch your imagination and vocabulary with these verbal treats. Each
"prompt" has an example, but you can think of lots more.
your answers on this page and keep this in the car. Go beyond the obvious. Get wacky!
Be a verbal Big Wheel.
Word Prompt Examples:
1. Name things that are blue. Pinocchio's
nose in winter.
2. 10 things you wouldn't
want Waffle irons, maple syrup.
it to rain (instead of
3. Long words that start with "l." Lugubrious, lollapalooza.
4. What rhymes with "eat"? Obsolete,
indiscreet, elite.
5. Different ways to move. Jiggle, plummet, curl, crawl.
6. Name things that cover. A $5 bill covers lunch.
7. Make words from numbers. 2thache, 7tee, B9, 1derful
8. Tell a story. The first sentence "Always a kidder, Joe Blow
starts with
an "A," the next walked
on his hands. But he
starts with a "B," didn't
see the wet pavement.
and so
forth. Concrete
is mushy. . . ."
9. Name states. State
of matrimony.
10. Name something from nature Calm sea, sad bassett hound,
and an
emotion it represents. angry storm,
tender bunny.
11. Give a word. Who's next Black panther wild tame
has to give
a word that is elephant circus
with it: means the cartoons music
rock hard
same thing,
or is opposite, or soft cheese . . .
now you
is often
combined with it. start with
12. Name things that are dry. Wit, doll diaper, booted feet
13. A simile (sim-uh-lee) As
tight as my Internet
compares two things that access code . . . as sharp as
are not alike. Think of a pit bull's fang . . . as
new similes. as my list of
things to do