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Writing: Family Writing Fun



Today's Snack: Roll two pieces of bologna up into "logs," and eat with dill pickles and your favorite crackers. Wash down with grape juice.




Spiral notebook

Pretty colors of inks

Stamps, stickers

Printouts of digital pictures taken during the trip



Here's a great way to "sneak" writing practice into your child's out-of-school time.


Give your child a spiral notebook to make a "travelogue" - a combination report and scrapbook about a vacation that your family takes.


You can give a different notebook to each child and let them all make their own, or get just one notebook and have everybody participate in filling it up with memories and observations.


Encourage each child to record things seen from the car, details about the place you stayed, family jokes and funny sayings, who got sick, somebody's favorite experience on vacation . . . whatever memories the child wants to collect and record.


The child can draw pictures and practice writing words, sentences and stories while you're on vacation. Younger children may enjoy dictating words, sentences and stories to you.


When you get back, you can tape photos from your trip in place, and your child can dictate descriptive captions. That's a good opportunity to practice observational skills and also memory stretching.


Years from now, this notebook will be a cherished keepsake. And you'll want a different one for every family trip!


By Susan Darst Williams • www.AfterSchoolTreats.com • Writing © 2010

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