Writing: Presentation
Final Checklist
Today's Snack: Before you make your final checklist, have some Chex
Mix. That's not a great rhyme, but it's close enough. Just stir together some
Chex cereal with short pretzel sticks, peanuts and any other treats and spices
that you like. Drink some apple juice for sweetness to go with that saltiness.
Take a writing sample
from each student
Print out this
checklist and have students go over their writing,
then get back together
and discuss
This is a good
checklist to use
before you turn in an
important paper
□ The
paper responds to the prompt or assignment.
□ The
handwriting is clear, in dark ink or pencil lead, without scratch-outs or
obvious erasures, and very easy to read.
□ The
paper is free of errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation and usage.
□ There
are no sentence fragments or run-on sentences.
□ The
paper has sentences and paragraphs, and is not just a list or made up of notes
or drawings.
□ The
paper takes up at least one full page.
□ The
paper's tone is appropriate to the audience.
□ It
has a single, distinct focus.
□ The
ideas or events presented are well-developed, relate clearly to the focus of
the paper, and are written in an order that makes sense.
□ There's
a logical flow to the ideas or events so that the reader can follow along
without any confusion or any need to re-read.
□ Each
main idea is supported with well-chosen details.
□ Details
aren't just listed, but are integrated into the flow of ideas.
□ There's
an attention-getting "hook" opening and a memorable closing with a clear
"take-away" message.
□ The
opening and the conclusion relate to each other somehow.
□ The
reader isn't left with unanswered questions.
□ There
are effective transition words and phrases that link the paper together.
□ There
is variety in the transition words or phrases chosen; they aren't all the same
or similar.
□ There
is variety in the sentence styles: simple vs. complex, short vs. long,
questions vs. declarations, etc., which makes the text flow pleasantly.
□ Word
choice is precise, interesting and vivid, displaying a large vocabulary.
□ There
isn't any redundancy and the same words aren't repeated much, if at all.
□ The paper
omits irrelevant or boring details and obvious, common knowledge.
□ Technical
words are explained or defined when necessary.
□ The paper
itself looks perfectly clean, proofread and cared for.
□ Paragraphs
are spaciously indented.
□ The layout
of the paragraphs has eye appeal - not too "gray" but not too sparse.
□ The text
is complete, but not so long that it drags.
□ The
writing comes to a satisfying, graceful conclusion, and doesn't just stop.
□ Facts and
statistics that are cited are backed up with research citations of where the
information came from.
□ Quotes and
opinions are attributed to a named source.
□ It's
specific and detailed, not vague, confusing and abstract.
□ No unusual
vocabulary, jargon or technical words are left undefined.
□ The tone
matches the purpose of the writing and the intended audience.