Writing: Ideas
Coming Up With New
Today's Snack:
Here's a new way to get delicious, nutritious nuts into children's diet. Make
chocolate trail mix!
mix 3 C. of nuts (peanuts, raw almonds and pecans are great), ½ C. sunflower
seeds (shelled), ½ C. coconut, 1 C. raisins, and ½ C. dried cranberries or
a baking sheet with waxed paper. Put nut mixture on it.
1 C. semisweet chocolate chips in the microwave. Pour in a skinny ribbon over
all the nut mixture.
a big wooden spoon, gently stir to coat as much as you can. Then let chocolate
cool. It will harden.
the mix into small pieces. Pack in zip-lock bags. Serves 12.
best way to get new ideas is to play with ideas! Here are some ways to get into
the habit of being playful and creative about words and ideas:
Read, especially
classic children's stories, Greek myths, Aesop's fables and fairy tales. Think
about how what's going on in those stories is similar to what's going on in our
world today. What is the last book you read for fun? What is a connection
between something in that book, and something going on in the real world?
Be alone at least one half-hour a day. It might help to set up one corner of your room or
one place in your home that everyone knows is your "Creativity Corner" and
they're not supposed to disturb you when you're there. How much are you alone
every day? How do you usually spend your "alone" time? How else could you spend
Choose a word that interests you, and look it up in the dictionary, Google it, check a
thesaurus, see what the encyclopedia might say about it, find a map that
includes it, look for famous quotes that include it. Illustrate it with colored
pencil. Write a poem with it.
Write a book. Why not? Write a short chapter every night in your
notebook. Start now, with the title and an overview:
Lists are inspiring. Become a champion list-maker. Keep a file with all
kinds of lists: your favorite sports, favorite pet names, foods you like,
places you want to go. You can even make a list of the lists you'd like to
Collect words you like to say aloud, and read up on them in the dictionary and
encyclopedia. "Lollapalooza." "Bok choy." "Jeepers." Keep a list of words you
love to say (see the tip about lists, above).
Combine words in ways you don't think anybody else has ever combined them, in the
history of the world. Example: "intergalactic cheeseburger-maker." Keep a list
and try to add to it every day.
Invent new things using rhyming. For example, a cucumber kind of looks like a
missile. So invent a "cuke nuke." What else?
Pick a famous quotation, and rewrite it in your own slang: "To thine own
self, be true" can become "B U."