Preschool Writing:
A Wish in a Bottle of Sand
Today's Snack: Crush some vanilla wafers in a bowl.
Stir in a handful of gummi candy. Using a spoon, "dig out" the candy and eat
the cookie crumbs! Usually, you shouldn't eat "sand" - but this time, you can.
Enjoy a cup of milk to go with.
One clean, dry, empty
water bottle (8 oz. size or slightly larger) with lid
Small quantity of clean,
dry playground sand
1" strip of paper | Pen
or pencil
Small seashells or other
beach-related trinkets
One sheet of writing
paper or your writing notebook
wait 'til summer? Neither can anybody! So if it's spring, fall or winter and
you can't go to the beach to swim, at least you can bring to beach to you!
though it doesn't seem as though a preschool child is capable of the
higher-order thinking skills that it takes to imagine things and make
meaningful wishes, you'd be surprised what young children come up with when
they do this activity.
put, they are going to make up a wish, put it in a bottle, and imagine how that
wish will someday come true.
something special and dramatic about a bottle and a beach. People stranded on
deserted islands sometimes write their "HELP!" messages and put them in a
bottle, then launch it out into the ocean, hoping a passing ship will spot it
and rescue them.
for our purposes, we're going to pack a little beach sand into a bottle and
KEEP it - relying on our own imaginations to "rescue" us and grant us some kind
of a wish.
have the child think of a wish. What's something that you wish would happen? It
only needs to be a few words or a sentence. It can be as wild and crazy, or as
straightforward and everyday, as the child . . . well . . . wishes.
the wish on a slip of paper for the child, and roll it up into a tiny roll or
ball. Ham it up a little bit; kids get extremely excited at this stage of the
show the child how to pour a little sand into the empty bottle. Drop a few
seashells in, followed by more sand. Drop in the wadded-up wish. Then add more
sand, more shells, and whatever you'd like, 'til the sand is an inch or two
beneath the top.
extra space will allow the child to shake the bottle around and see what you
packed in it, from time to time.
let your imagination run wild! On the sheet of paper or in your Story Notebook
(a spiral notebook to collect all of the child's fun and spontaneous stories), with
an adult's help, tell a story that reveals how you got your wish! It may, or
may not, have something to do with the bottle. That's up to the child!
adult can ask, and the child can supply, the things to be written down. So take
dictation as the child invents the story. Make sure you:
n title it
n put the child's name on it
n show the child how you indent paragraphs the width of two fingers
n have a beginning, middle and an end
n tell us HOW your wish came true
n tell us how you feel about having your wish come true
and how it will help you and others!
you're happy with your story, fold it up into one long strip, and tape it
around your wish bottle. If your wish really does come true, you can open up
the story and compare your imagination with real life!