Writing: Family
Writing Fun
Today's Snack: As
long as you're going to be creating an invitation today, why not create a party
snack, too? It doesn't have to be a holiday or your birthday - you can have a
party any time! There's no reason you can't have a cupcake with a candle on it.
Blow out the candle, make a wish, and drink a glass of ice-cold milk, too!
You could
invite a guest speaker, such as an advertising person, a printing company
owner, or a wedding planner, to give a short talk and bring samples
collection of invitations | notecards and envelopes | markers or colored
Scissors |
glue & tape | glitter, craft jewels, feathers, thin ribbon, etc.
a fun activity that's especially good for kids who are "reluctant writers" -
they hate writing assignments for school, so you give them writing practice
with non-school type activities like this. But everybody loves receiving
invitations, so here's a fun chance to practice making them.
pretend you are going to have a party or a special occasion, and you want to
invite guests. How would you do it? By creating an invitation.
guest speaker can get the ball rolling on a discussion about invitations. Or
just have the students study the invitations that you've collected. Look at the
type fonts, colors, types of paper, the way the information is all set up on
the page, and other details.
the photo above, we have a traditional wedding invitation at left, an
invitation for a charity's fund-raising event at right, and a bride's
bachelorette party in a ladybug theme at the bottom.
how the style in which the words are presented, including the typeface and
colors, helps communicate the party theme, and gives the recipient a "feel" for
what the event is going to be like. You want to match the look and wording of
an invitation to the type of event that it is for.
information is on an invitation? Who, what, when, where and why is a good
start. Sometimes an invitation will tell you what attire to wear, or ask you to
bring something to the event. Usually, there's a phone number you should call or
email address included, to let them know you are coming, so that they can plan
to have enough food on hand.
host should think of any possible questions about the event that a guest might
have, and try to answer all those questions on the invitation.
brainstorm a wacky special event, or a real party, that each student would like
to pretend to give. Each student should design and make an invitation to go
with that idea. Plan an invitation that will carry out your theme.
example, you could have a "Let's watch the grass grow!" party, and fringe some
green paper with scissors to resemble growing grass.
you could have a 10th birthday party, and draw a big number 10 on
the paper, then cut it out.
sure to write the important information on the invitation that your imaginary
guests will need. Have fun with different typefaces, colors and sizes to match
your theme:
Name of the event
Anything they need to bring
RSVP (reply) phone number or email address